How you merchandise your space has a huge impact on shopper engagement. The Rule of Threes is a tried and true concept across retail merchandising and interior design that could teach you to arrange your products in an exciting new way!
A Look at Lighting
Lighting helps establish the mood or feeling of space and is typically the first thing shopper will notice when they enter. In need of some inspiration? Take a look at some of our vendors who do light right!
Four Ways to Take Your Social Media Photos To the Next Level
For smartphone and camera users alike, here are some of our top tips for capturing gorgeous photos of your space at Painted Tree.
Growing Your Audience with Instagram Reels
Social media is an invaluable tool for drawing awareness to your shop, and utilizing the reels feature on Instagram is one of the quickest ways to grow your audience and reach! We’ve compiled 4 tips for creating highly viewed reels.
Staying True to Yourself
Caylie met up with business owner Amy Counce to chat about how finding your “why” is a game-changing first step in making long-term and short-term decisions for your business.
How To Tag Your Items
Let’s get your merchandise tagged so it’s ready to go into your space when you are.
Checking Your Sales
Seeing your sales in real-time, from the convenience of your personal computer, might be the most exciting part!
Host a Sale
These will be helpful tools to drive traffic to your space.
Designing Your Space
Our top tips for designing your space and making your shop represent you and your business!