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Painted Tree
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Before Opening
Coming Soon Stores
Before Opening
How long does construction take in a new store?
Move In
Can I build a roof over my space?
Can I build a structure or extend my wall out to the logo on the floor?
Can I paint or cover the walls?
Can I put up slat-board, pegboard, or metallic grid to hang items?
Can I use card tables or tables with folding legs?
Can I use electric saws or spray paint in my space?
Do you have ladders, tools, or cleaning equipment I can borrow during move in?
Hanging Fixtures in Your Space
How long will we have to move in before the store opens?
Rugs, Hardwood, and other Flooring
Who gets to use the 5” of space at the end of the separating walls?
Will I have access to electricity in my space?
Coming Soon Stores
Before Opening
Before Opening
How long does construction take in a new store?
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